I recently watched the movie “The Upside,” a comedy about the relationship between Phillip, a wealthy man with quadriplegia, and Del, an unemployed man with a criminal record who’s hired to help him.
During one of the scenes, Phillip tells Del, “You’re smart.” Del responds, “Yeah, I’m a smart a@!” Phillip repeats, “You’re smart. You’re an intelligent man.” He continues to elaborate until Del starts believing the feedback.
This scene was a turning point in Del’s story as he realizes that he has the potential to do greater things beyond his criminal history, and he begins living up to his potential.
This scene reminded me of the powerful impact we can have on each other’s lives simply by helping people realize their strengths and potential.
What if each of us intentionally focused on helping people see their strengths?
What’s the UPSIDE? It would:
- Quiet their negative self-talk and help them overcome limiting beliefs.
- Potentially create a turning point for them to live up to their potential.
- Enhance positivity and optimism.
So, here’s my challenge to you this week:
Step 1: Intentionally notice and observe the strengths you see in others as you interact with them, whether it’s via email, web conference, or in person. Think about what you admire about them and the value they create when they demonstrate their strengths.
Step 2: At least once per day, compliment someone on their strengths. Be as specific as you can and describe the impact they are having when they demonstrate their strengths.
Step 3: Pay attention to what happens next. What’s happening for you, and what’s happening for the other person?
To quote Henry Ford, “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”
Let’s join together as positive influencers that help people realize they CAN!
Wishing you the best!