
What Are Your Branding Goals?

by | Apr 8, 2021 | Blog

Why am I sipping on a Bubly sparkling water while I write this?

Maybe it’s those clever Michael Bublé commercials that hooked me.

Or maybe it’s the packaging.

Perhaps it’s product placement in the grocery store.

Then again, it could be all of those things combined.

Those marketing geniuses set a GOAL to sell their product and TARGETED people like me as the type of consumer they wanted to reach.

And it worked – I’m drinking a Bubly!

These same marketing principles apply to personal branding.

YOU are the “product,” and you want your “target audience” to choose you.

So before we jump into creating your desired personal brand, we’re going to start by defining your goals and your target audience.

WHAT ARE THE GOALS of your personal brand strategy?  Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Grow your network
  • Attain a job promotion
  • Influence decisions
  • Land a new job
  • Have a voice in making important decisions
  • Be selected for exciting projects

Take some time over the next few days to put some more profound thought into your goals.  Think about where you want your brand to take you.  It might help to think about where you want to be in five years or what skills and talents you would love to grow.

WHO IS YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE?  Who do you want to “buy your product” to help you achieve your goals?  Here are some ideas:

  • Leaders responsible for making hiring and promotion decisions
  • Co-workers and collaborators that you need to influence
  • Industry experts that you want to mentor you
  • Well-networked professionals that can facilitate introductions

The brand that you create, your “packaging,” and how you market this brand are all designed to help you achieve your goals by tapping into your target audience.

So, don’t skip over these essential steps in your personal branding process.  Next week I’ll talk about how to build your desired brand in alignment with your goals.

Wishing you the best!



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