Does your “to-do” list ever keep you up at night? You know, that never-ending list of things you “should” get done for work or home.
Even as you check things off, the list continues to grow with new things to do.
Sometimes I find myself planning my day or week in my head as I’m trying to fall asleep, and I can feel the anxiety building and starting to overwhelm me. That never leads to a good night’s sleep!
So how do you get out of this rut?
What if, instead of focusing on all the things you “should” be doing, you focus on your accomplishments instead?
It’s time to start creating your “TA-DA” list!
Every day, write down all of your accomplishments, successes, and things that go your way. Include items that are big and small, personal and professional.
The more you write down, the more you’ll notice increased positivity, optimism, and confidence.
What if you did this consistently for a week, a month, or an entire year? Just imagine how good it would feel to review your stack of TA-DA lists for a confidence boost when you need it.
To help you get started, download this template and start tracking your “TA-DAs” today!
Wishing you the best!