Lead Like a Goose

by | Jan 30, 2025 | Blog

Living by a lake offers me the joy of observing various birds drawn to the aquatic surroundings. Recently, I found myself captivated by a gaggle of Canadian Geese, marveling at their synchronized flight. This experience inspired some reflections on the parallels to teamwork and effective leadership.

Join me as I share some leadership insights inspired by the graceful flight of geese over my backyard!

Shared Responsibility 

Each goose takes responsibility for keeping up with the flock’s direction, showing us that EVERY team member plays a crucial role in achieving shared goals.

Clear Direction

Geese know exactly where they’re headed, making it easier for different members to step up and lead when needed. This clarity helps teams stay focused and aligned.

Rotating Leadership

When the lead goose tires, another takes its place from the rear. This rotation ensures that leadership remains fresh and the team maintains momentum. It also gives the team members an opportunity to take on a new challenge and learn from it. It’s developmental delegation.

Encouragement Matters

Geese honk to support leaders in front, showing how crucial encouragement and support are in maintaining team spirit and pace.

Mutual Support

Geese never leave a fallen comrade behind. They stay with injured members, offering protection and care until they recover or pass on. This camaraderie strengthens the entire team.


Geese adjust their formations based on the task at hand—flying in a V-shape for efficiency, landing in waves, and feeding in groups. This adaptability maximizes their effectiveness in different situations.

As leaders, these principles remind us of the power of teamwork, mutual support, and adaptability in achieving our goals together. Let’s apply these lessons to our own teams and watch our collective success soar!

How can you incorporate these principles into your team’s dynamics? Just leave a comment below to share your thoughts with me.

Wishing you the best!


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