Facts vs. Assumptions

by | Feb 10, 2023 | Blog

One of the things I enjoy about my business is that no two days, or two clients, are alike. 

This past week, however, I noticed a theme emerging across my client interactions. That theme was DATA. And the learning was so powerful that I wanted to share a couple of the stories with you!

Demystify the Unknown with Data

I had a breakthrough with a coaching client that was agonizing over her career path. She had been turned down for multiple internal promotions and felt a little lost about the next stage of her career. We worked through some exercises to help her figure out what she really wanted, and the answer was….(drumroll please) the job she currently has! The underlying reason driving her career exploration was her fear of being laid off. 

What was the solution to help her overcome that fear? Demystify the unknown with data. 

  • What would it take to support herself from her savings?
  • How much would she need to pay for healthcare?
  • How many months could she comfortably live if she lost her job today? 

By shining a light on the dark and scary unknown space, she’s building her plan B. She’s a rockstar at work, so I highly doubt she’ll need her plan B, but having it helps her sleep better and night and approach work with more confidence and contentment.

What fears are you holding on to that you could demystify with data?

Influence with Data

Another one of my coaching clients was struggling with influencing her leadership team. They were focused on having her solve a persistent and highly complex problem, and she needed them to focus on a more urgent and financially critical issue. So, we strategized how to shift their focus to garner more immediate support for the time-sensitive issue. 

You probably guessed it – she influenced them with data! She used external benchmarking data to paint the picture that the complex problem is not unique to her organization and that her organization is outperforming others. And she used internal financial data to illustrate the significant impact on the business if the urgent problem was not addressed soon.

Using data, she influenced with FACTS rather than emotion or opinion. And she enabled them to make a fact-based decision, leaving everyone feeling good about it.

In what ways could you use data to influence others?

I hope these stories inspired some ideas for you!

Wishing you the best!



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