Do You Have a Plan?

by | Jan 13, 2023 | Blog

Do you have a strategic plan for YOU?

This may sound like a silly question; strategic planning is a business concept.

Strategic Planning - A process in which an organization's leaders define their vision for the future and identify their organization's goals and objectives and establish a sequence in which those goals should be realized so that the organization can reach its stated vision.

Let’s think about this from the perspective of your career and life for a moment.

Do you ever dream about “someday…”

  • Someday you’ll get caught up with your To-Do list.
  • Someday you’ll advance your career to something that really excites and fulfills you (and compensates you at the level you desire)
  • Someday you’ll turn that hobby into a business
  • Someday you’ll take that vacation

Imagine that you had a strategic plan to help make those dreams come true and that you could focus on priorities to help you get there sooner.

So, let’s steal this strategic planning concept from the business world and apply it to ourselves. 

Create Your Long-Term Vision

Set aside blocks of time to dream. Reflect on what you want your career and life to look like in the future. Think about it from all angles – career, relationships, finances, wellness, community involvement, etc. I recommend creating a 10-year vision because it helps you to dream bigger. Write your ideas into a narrative and add some images to inspire you. This is your “strategic plan.”

Set Annual Goals

Think about what you need to learn and do to achieve your vision. You might come up with a long list, so pick one or two to prioritize. Write it down as your annual goal and schedule time on your calendar to do the work. 

Schedule Quarterly Reviews

Schedule time once each quarter to look at your progress and celebrate all the steps you have taken so far. Don’t be hard on yourself if you haven’t accomplished very much. It takes thousands of small steps to achieve a big goal, and each small step moves you forward. Celebrate and recalibrate your priorities for the next quarter.

Revisit Your Vision

When you’re feeling stuck and unmotivated, go back and read your vision to re-inspire those dreams! Update it to add clarity or remove things you no longer want.

It’s challenging to do this work on your own. I encourage you to find someone who can support you as a sounding board to help clarify what you want and help hold you accountable for taking action.

Here’s your first accountability step…take a minute right now to create a 2 hour appointment with yourself to work on your strategic plan!

Wishing you the best!


P.S. If you want to make serious progress on creating your vision and achieving it, let’s talk! Schedule a complimentary, NO OBLIGATION consultation to learn more.


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