What Motivates You?

What Motivates You?

Imagine that you were so fired up about achieving a goal that all your procrastination and excuses magically disappeared! Wouldn’t it be great to have the time, energy, and motivation to work on our personal and professional goals unencumbered? The reality is it takes...
Step Out of Your Circle

Step Out of Your Circle

You’re probably familiar with the phrase “think outside the box.” This week, I’m inviting you to step out of your circle! Let me explain… I recently facilitated a leadership team-building activity for a client. It was a fun activity where the...
Gratitude with a Twist

Gratitude with a Twist

When I work with coaching clients, I encourage them to develop a daily practice of gratitude, whether it’s keeping a gratitude journal or just setting aside time to reflect and focus on gratitude. No matter how busy you are, there is ALWAYS time to take 5 minutes to...
Introvert Survival Guide

Introvert Survival Guide

People often don’t believe me when I tell them I’m an introvert. They see me facilitating programs, speaking up in meetings, and demonstrating extroverted behaviors. The truth about introverts is that we CAN DO extroverted things when necessary. It requires a LOT of...
Communication Strategies for Leaders

Communication Strategies for Leaders

When I transitioned into my first leadership position, one of my biggest “ah-ha’s” was the importance of effective communication.  And, believe me, I learned the hard way! I remember getting in trouble because I shared too much information. And then I got in trouble...
Raise Your Hand if You Want to Learn Something

Raise Your Hand if You Want to Learn Something

How are you progressing with your professional development goals? There are many ways to develop or strengthen your skills and today I would like to highlight volunteer opportunities as developmental experiences. I personally believe that everyone should do something...