Read This Before You Get Stuck in a Mid-Career Rut
After you've been working for 20 years or more, it's natural to assume that you know how to manage your career....
It’s Time to Get Uncomfortable
This week, I attended a women's leadership event and "practiced what I preach" to my clients. The event was an...
What Do YOU Want?
Remember when you were a kid, and the adults would ask you what you wanted to be when you grew up? You could dream...
Becoming an Exceptional Leader
When I facilitate leadership training sessions, one of my favorite activities is playing “leadership poker.” I give...
Media Spotlight on Leadership Coaching
I was honored to be invited for an interview on Close Up Radio as part of their "Leadership Coaching" series. I had...
Give Me a Break!
Tell me if this resonates with you. You work long hours in front of a computer. Around 3 pm your energy starts to...
How Do You Prevent Burnout?
More than half of employees in the United States say they're burned out, and two-thirds say the pandemic is making...
How do you feel about performance reviews?
Tell me, how do you feel about performance reviews? If you’re a corporate employee, that question probably stirred...
How Do You Achieve Aspirational Goals?
Last April, I asked a small group of women to create a long-term vision for their careers and lives. They were...