Are You Too Busy?

by | Mar 30, 2023 | Blog

How many times have you told someone or thought to yourself, “I’m too busy, or I don’t have time?”

  • I have so much work to do that I don’t have time to focus on my professional development.
  • I’m too busy to attend that training program.
  • I don’t have time to delegate; it’s quicker to do it myself.
  • I’m slammed, and there’s no time for that critical conversation.
  • I’m working a crazy number of hours. There’s no way I can find the time or energy to think about a long-term strategy for my career.

Saying you’re “too busy” is an EXCUSE – even if you work excessive hours and have many personal and family commitments.

The next time you find yourself saying, “I’m too busy,” I invite you to probe deeper and consider why you feel you cannot prioritize the item in question.

Are you saying no to something you don’t want or need right now (effectively managing your boundaries), or are you giving an excuse for some underlying reasons?  

Explore what might be holding you back by imagining life without limitations. 

Would you focus on this if:

  • You had unlimited energy?
  • You had the necessary skills and experience?
  • You had tons of confidence?
  • You knew you could not fail?

Once you uncover the reasons behind the excuse, you can create a path forward to replace procrastination with progress!

Wishing you the best!



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