When I opened up my news feed this morning, this headline caught my eye: Man Wrestles Alligator to Save His Dog.
As I read the story, I learned that the man was walking his dog near a waterway and didn’t notice the alligator until it had already grabbed his dog and dragged it towards the water.
You’re probably thinking, hey Amy – that’s interesting, but what does this story have to do with professional development?
Stay with me as I draw the connections for you.
Choose the best path for you.
Navigating your career can be tricky. Some paths are dead ends. Others could lead you to alligators (think layoffs, demotions, or undesirable job changes). If you’re not paying attention, these alligators might take you by surprise, and you’ll find yourself wrestling to save your career. PROACTIVELY CREATE YOUR OWN PATHÂ by focusing on your professional development, seeking out stretch opportunities, and working with a coach. By taking an intentional approach to your professional development, you will be better equipped to CREATE your own fulfilling career path.
It’s all about visibility.
The dog walker encountered the alligator because he was at the wrong place at the wrong time. To effectively manage your career, you need to be at the RIGHT PLACE at the RIGHT TIME. This means INCREASING YOUR PROFESSIONAL VISIBILITY. Let the leaders and decision-makers “see” you regularly so that you are the first person that comes to mind when there’s a new opportunity. How do you do this? Speak up to ask questions or offer insights in meetings. Request to join cross-functional project teams. Volunteer to mentor a new hire. Ask a senior leader to mentor you. Build your internal network by having lunch (virtual or in-person) once a week with someone new. By getting on the “radar” of your organization’s leaders, they will think of you when making important decisions, such as who to promote.
Fight for what’s important.
That man must have really loved his dog to wrestle an alligator! When something is important to us, we fight for it. Know your CORE VALUES, the things that you’re willing to fight for, and stay true to them. If you find yourself living out of alignment with your values, it’s time to fight. That might mean initiating change within your organization or potentially moving on to another organization. Sometimes, you just have to wrestle that alligator!
Hopefully, my analogy wasn’t too much of a stretch for you! Do me a favor and comment below to let me know your biggest takeaways from today’s “Amy’s Insights.”
Wishing you the best!