Survival Strategies

by | Sep 19, 2024 | Blog

Have you heard the phrase, “God never gives you more than you can handle?” Lately, it seems like God must think I have superpowers! Life has been exceptionally challenging, pushing me to my limits.

Work is going well – I have several fantastic clients whom I enjoy working with, and I’ve been thriving at full capacity. However, on the personal front, my dad has been in and out of the hospital over the past couple of months, my mom’s dementia is worsening, and I’ve been managing their move into assisted living, clearing out their house, and preparing it for sale. I am utterly exhausted!

When I feel stretched to my limits, I shift into survival mode. Recognizing that many of us face significant stress waves, I want to share some strategies that have helped me navigate these times.

Outsource and Ask for Help

I actively seek ways to lighten my load so I can manage the increased demands on my time and energy. Sometimes, this means delegating tasks I normally handle, such as hiring help for house cleaning. Other times, it involves asking for assistance from family, like having my out-of-town brothers handle research, make phone calls, and support remotely. I even insisted they come home to help with some tasks!

Mindset Shift

I permit myself to lower my standards when I’m stretched thin. Realistically, putting top-notch effort into everything isn’t feasible. I assess which tasks can be approached with a pass/fail mindset and allow myself to reduce effort where needed.

Make Time to Recharge

Recognizing our need for downtime is crucial. For me, this might mean diving into a good book, taking extended lunch breaks, going for walks, or even allowing myself a nap when my body demands it. I had to cancel a vacation amidst all this turmoil, which feels a bit ironic. Nonetheless, I’ve found daily moments to recharge as part of my survival strategy.

Look for the Lessons

I find it helpful to ask, “What can I learn from this experience?” It keeps me positive and fosters gratitude even during life’s toughest challenges.

I hope you find these tips useful, and I’d love to hear about the strategies you use to navigate difficult times.

Wishing you the best!


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