Gratitude with a Twist

by | Oct 14, 2022 | Blog

When I work with coaching clients, I encourage them to develop a daily practice of gratitude, whether it’s keeping a gratitude journal or just setting aside time to reflect and focus on gratitude. No matter how busy you are, there is ALWAYS time to take 5 minutes to be grateful every day.

If you Google “benefits of gratitude,” you’ll find links to countless articles with research findings. Gratitude positively impacts your physical and emotional health, which in turn helps you BE YOUR BEST SELF…

  • A better leader
  • A better professional
  • A better spouse, parent, and friend
  • A better neighbor and citizen

Now, imagine this….

What if I waved a magic wand and told you that the only things you could KEEP in your life are the people and things you have expressed gratitude for? 

As you look around you, what would you find?

  • Would YOU be gone? When was the last time you were grateful for all the strengths and talents you contributed to the world? How have you quieted the negative self-talk about your perceived flaws and mistakes and replaced it with gratitude for being the unique person you are?
  • Would your family and friends be gone? When was the last time you were grateful for the community of people in your life? Even the ones that annoy you sometimes 😊.
  • Would your boss, subordinates, and co-workers be gone? When was the last time you thanked them and expressed your appreciation for them as PEOPLE and not just the results they deliver at work?
  • What would your possessions look like? Would your closet be empty, your home and car missing, your pantry bare, etc.? How much time have you been grateful for all the things you HAVE rather than focusing on all the things you WANT?

Looking at gratitude through this lens helps you realize HOW MUCH THERE IS TO BE GRATEFUL FOR, even when:

  • you’re completely stressed out,
  • work sucks,
  • people mistreat you,
  • financial stress keeps you up at night,
  • you’re grieving a loss,
  • you’re dealing with health challenges,
  • and so on. 

During these difficult times, taking time to reflect and be grateful can have the most significant positive impact on you!

Gratitude Challenge

I invite you to join me in my gratitude challenge:

  1. Set aside 5 minutes. Start by noticing how you are feeling. What is your emotional state and energy level?
  2. Identify ONE person you are grateful for and write them a note to express your gratitude. It can be handwritten, by email, text, or any other way you want to send it. BE SPECIFIC and tell that person WHY you are grateful they are in your life and the positive impact they have on you. Send them the note.
  3. Notice how you are feeling after sending the note. What is your emotional state and energy level? Check in with yourself throughout the day to see how long this shot of positivity energy lasts for you!
  4. For extra credit, repeat this for a week and see what happens!

Wishing you the best!



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