What Are Your Bananas and Oranges?

by | Jun 12, 2022 | Blog

If I put a fruit basket with bananas and oranges in front of you, which fruit would you choose? 

Believe it or not, someone has researched this and discovered that people choose bananas over oranges. 

Their choice has nothing to do with the taste and texture of these fruit options.

It’s easier to peel a banana. 

You might say bananas are more “a-peeling.”

What can we learn from this research?

Start with Your Bananas

When working on a goal, build momentum by starting with the “low hanging fruit.” What are the EASY THINGS you can do to create QUICK WINS? Think about how to break down large tasks into smaller bites. I like to keep a list of these “bananas” – things I can do in 15-minutes or less. They’re quick. They’re easy. And I feel a sense of accomplishment when I check them off!

Schedule Time for Your Oranges

Of course, if you’re working on a significant goal, you will likely need to work on more complex and time-consuming tasks. Avoid feeling overwhelmed by mapping out these tasks. Start by creating a list and then transfer that list to calendar appointments. Find blocks of time that you can set aside to work on these things. And be strategic about your time, aligning tasks with your natural energy levels.  

Enjoy the Fruits of Your Labor

Bananas and oranges are tasty! Take some time to reflect on your experience and appreciate it while it’s happening. What are you noticing about your emotions and level of satisfaction while working towards your goal? What are you learning through the experience? Remember to celebrate and enjoy the journey.

So I had some fun with this fruit basket analogy, but in all seriousness, this approach works! 

I’ve supported many clients and accelerated their pursuit of ambitious goals. Let me know if there’s any way I can support you!

Wishing you the best!


Contact me with your questions about individual coaching, group coaching, talent development, and speaking engagements.


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